New study clearly explains consequences of brain trauma


In recent years, the media has spent an increasing amount of time and effort reporting on the subject of brain trauma. While significant attention and focus devoted to this issue is necessary and almost certainly appreciated by victims and their families, the sheer volume of media coverage on this issue has left the public exposed to inconsistent studies and therefore subject to misconceptions of brain injuries, treatment and long-term consequences.

A recent study released by experts at the University of South Florida and the James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital may help to dispel some of these misconceptions. The researchers are currently studying long-term effects of brain trauma. In their most recent report, they conclude that these long-term effects tend to include brain deterioration and cell regeneration loss and suppression caused in part by chronic inflammation.

What this means practically is that over time, brain trauma leads to a less functional and less healthy brain due in part to inflammation of brain tissue. This inflammation and other factors contribute both to cell loss and inability for cells to properly regenerate. However, the study also concludes that therapeutic intervention and treatment of brain trauma at any stage of the condition may help the patient prevent further cell loss.

It can be difficult to grasp what effects brain trauma will have on a loved one. However, this latest study boils down the two most important points related to brain trauma. First, brain trauma generally results in long-term effects characterized by cell loss and cell regeneration suppression. Second and most importantly, brain trauma victims can be helped to some extent by treatment, regardless of what phase of their condition they are in at any given point.

Source:, “Study investigates prolonged pathological outcomes of traumatic brain injury,” Jan. 7, 2013

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