Albany Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney
Albany Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney
Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are extremely serious matters whose side effects can impact victims for a lifetime. Understanding the type of brain injury a victim has suffered can help to guide the formulation of a comprehensive treatment and recovery plan. It can also help the attorneys representing traumatic brain injury victims to determine the best approach to obtaining a positive result.
Perhaps the first step in addressing a traumatic brain injury is getting past all of the misconceptions that exist. To be clear, there is no such thing as a “minor” brain injury. Even a simple case of whiplash can result in a brain injury that requires weeks or even months of treatment. This can be especially true for people who have suffered brain injuries previously.
At Law offices of Sanford Rosenblum, my Albany traumatic brain injury lawyers are committed to helping victims recover from their injuries and move forward with their lives as quickly and completely as possible. I dedicate my entire practice to representing injury victims, and I have secured impressive results in some of the most complex cases.
Focal and Diffuse Traumatic Brain Injuries
Brain injuries are typically classified as either focal or diffuse.
Focal brain injuries are those that impact a very limited portion of the brain. These types of injuries are often associated with accidents involving falling objects, being struck in the head with a weapon or another instrument as might happen in an assault or injuries involving skull fractures. While only impacting a limited portion of the brain, severe focal injuries can cause permanent brain damage or even be fatal to the victim.
Diffuse brain injuries tend to be more widespread and typically impact multiple parts of the brain. Diffuse injuries are commonly associated with motor vehicle accidents, falls from heights such as those that happen on construction sites or slip-and-fall injuries. While many diffuse brain injuries involve impact with a windshield or another object, impact is not necessary for a diffuse brain injury to occur. They have occurred in rear-end collisions and cases of shaken baby syndrome where no direct head impact or other head injury was involved.
Contact the Albany Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers of Law offices of Sanford Rosenblum
Contact my office today to discuss your TBI case. I offer a free initial consultation and case review where you can get your initial questions answered and learn more about how I can help you. I will not accept any attorneys’ fees unless I recover compensation for your injuries.