
NY attorney wants to use medical malpractice cases as teaching tools

On behalf of the Law Offices of Sanford Rosenblum

It is said that those who fail to learn from their mistakes are bound to repeat them. This is true in many aspects of life, but especially in medical care. The vast majority of medical mistakes are preventable; and unless physicians and aspiring physicians can learn from past medical errors, patients will continue to suffer […]

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Injured by medical malpractice? Don’t settle too quickly

On behalf of the Law Offices of Sanford Rosenblum

Anyone who has been injured by medical negligence will tell you that a lawsuit can take significant time. Hospitals in New York and across the country often try to take advantage of this and tempt injured patients with a quick settlement in order to avoid litigation. However, taking the settlement may not always be in […]

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Patients may soon report medical mistakes to new database

On behalf of the Law Offices of Sanford Rosenblum

If a patient experiences a medical mistake by a healthcare provider they may soon have the opportunity to report that error to a federal database. Since currently so many medical errors go unreported, the government hopes the additional information gathered from patients will help prevent errors and improve health care systems. “Patient reports could complement […]

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Medical Malpractice Insurers Continue to Generate Strong Profits

On behalf of the Law Offices of Sanford Rosenblum

New York is one of several states that have enacted so-called “tort reform” policies aimed at lowering medical malpractice insurance premiums. Last year, New York created the taxpayer supported Medical Indemnity Fund, which limits the damages the families of children seriously injured by medical negligence at birth may receive. A recent report may lead some to […]

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Going to the Hospital? Don’t Forget Your Checklist

On behalf of the Law Offices of Sanford Rosenblum

If you are planning to have surgery soon, or otherwise find yourself in the hospital, you should make a point to be actively involved in your care. Medical errors continue to be a major problem in U.S. hospitals. These include medication errors, wrong-site surgeries and hospital negligence leading to infections and delayed diagnosis. One way to help […]

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Patients Given Easy Access to Medical Records

On behalf of the Law Offices of Sanford Rosenblum

When you visit a medical provider you most likely watch them type or write notes as you explain your condition. If you are like most people, you have probably wondered just what is being said about you in your medical record. Most of us may never know. Even though a patient is absolutely entitled to […]

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The Troubling Trend of “Distracted Doctoring”

On behalf of the Law Offices of Sanford Rosenblum

By now almost everyone has heard of the dangers of distracted driving along with the troubling statistics about the number of injuries and deaths the behavior causes. But have you heard about “distracted doctoring”? The New York Times recently reported on this troubling trend going on in many hospitals and clinics. As medical records have […]

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New York Seeks to Expand Medical Malpractice Courts

On behalf of the Law Offices of Sanford Rosenblum

Medical malpractice cases can be some of the most complicated cases to litigate. Not only do cases often require significant investigation and expert testimony, but lawyers are frequently tasked with explaining complex scientific arguments to judges and juries with little to no medical background. To help remedy this problem, one Bronx judge began focusing on medical […]

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Hospital’s “Quiet Zone” Found to Decrease Medication Errors

On behalf of the Law Offices of Sanford Rosenblum

Medication errors injure approximately 1.3 million Americans each year and cause, on average, at least one death every day. All told, these errors cost over $3.5 billion each year. The Federal Drug Administration lists several common causes of the errors, including poor communication, poor procedures or techniques, confusing packaging and ambiguities in product names or […]

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Doctor Shopping Study Shows Access to Doctors is Not Equal

On behalf of the Law Offices of Sanford Rosenblum

Access to doctors is usually thought to be an issue for Americans that live without health insurance. However, for the many Americans that receive public insurance, such as through Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), access to a physician is also a concern. Due to differences in how much doctors are paid by […]

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